Soulvox L*i*v*e!

(r)Evolution with HiC



L*I*V*E READINGS ... connect in from the show page or call 646.716.5510 to receive a reading during the show. SPIRITUAL PILGRIMAGE How can one 10 day vacation change a lifetime ? What gets awakened within us when we return to the home and heritage of our ancestors ? How can we choose to live life differently, in a way that is right for us ? Delve into these topics and more with HiC's (r)Evolutionary guest this month, actor, model, dancer and sinver, DAVID HILFSTEIN, as he shares how a 10-day trip to Israel altered the course of his life forever, as well as his family's history when he sees the names of his family members on Schindler's List, how his grandparents gave up their spots on that same list to save an elderly couple, and how he has found freedom in accepting who he is and living his life in an effort to be a light to the world.