An Empowered Woman

Desiree Doubrox Interviews Jessikah Kollatou



For over ten years Jessikah has been serving in the  personal growth and wellness fields. With her unique abilities Jessikah has been helping hundreds of  people around the globe as she brings a holistic and synergistic approach to assist the body and mind to heal.  Jessikah is a Certified Practitioner of The Yuen Method of Chinese Energetics.  Jessikah studied  Chinese Energetics with Dr. Kam Yuen and Dr. Hector Garcia.  She is also certified in AromaZone Therapy, reflexology, as well as energy healing modalities such as Quantum Touch.  In the personal growth field, Jessikah has studied the works of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Norman Vincent Peale, Byron Katie, Iyanla Vanzaant, Louise Hay,Mark Victor Hansen, and Jack Canfield to name a few.  Jessikah has been a personal student of author and speaker John Assaraf (The Secret, Having It All, The Answer). She also holds certifications and degrees in : Relationship and Communication Coaching, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Music, Dance, and Yoga. For more information Email :