An Empowered Woman

Desiree Doubrox Interviews Suzanne Robins



Ascend Training Solutions specializes in assisting businesses with developing their human capital through customized employee development programs as well as candidate personality profiles and benchmarking. The most valuable resource any company has is its people. From reception to sales to logistics and management, every department and every employee ultimately share the same goal — the continued success of the company. Effective managers know that careful, thoughtful hiring practices and continued staff development yield an energized workforce and the greatest productivity. Companies that have experienced high rates of turnover, unresolved skill gaps and interdepartmental strain know how these issues can impede success. Effective pre-hire assessment, continuous staff development and analysis of employee engagement are critical to keeping everyone focused on and meeting the company’s goals. Special offer: Five free personality assessments for anyone on your team, one free benchmark or one lunch and lear