Community Garden Revolution

Hyroponics--"Garden Connection", AquaponicsUSA, Johnny's Selected Seeds



Greetings!   What are you doing unique with your Communitiy Garden. How about starting something in Hydroponics or Aquaponics.  It is the wave of not only the future but of today.  YES! right now you can start a busness growing food or enhance what you are already growing.  Find out what some companies are selling to folks to start a new way of growing Food.  I will be speaking with "Garden Connections" who has two locations in the Columbus, Ohio, area, and the AquaponicsUSA who is also the AquaponicsWORLD from Southern California and they will tell us about Aquaponics.  You have options how you want to grow your food or sell to others.   And, the folks at the Johnny's Selected Seeds are aware of the popping trend and are already trialing various seeds for you to put in your Hydroponics system to start growing as another Food source for you and your Family or to use for a possible Agri Business and sell to others. Enjoy! this LIVE Radio Show this week.  You will get plenty of ideas and how to order from th