Natural Co-creators With Jennifer Lynch

Jennifer learns about Bach Flower Remedies with Dawn Chrystal from Norfolk



This week Jennifer talks to a very interesting lady from Stalham, Norfolk called Dawn Chrystal. Dawn is a Bach Flower Remedies practitioner as well as being a Reiki Master. Dawn also gives angel guidance, mediumship and runs spiritual development groups and angel workshops. She’s an extremely busy lady who combines all her skills to help her clients on their journey. I met Dawn a few years ago when we were both working at an event in Norwich and I have always found her to have a wonderful, friendly and empathic nature. It was a great pleasure and honour for me to find out more about her work during the interview. Dawn shares her knowledge of the flower remedies and explains how they can help to heal a number of conditions. In addition, they are particularly helpful when we are going through big life changes. We also talk about the menopause. This is a great interview which also includes a meditation. So please do sit down, relax and listen to Dawn because she’s a lady who has great skills in many different