Natural Co-creators With Jennifer Lynch

Jennifer Co-Creates with Catherine & Dietmar Kennard about their retreats.



I'm really looking forward to talking to Catherine and Dietmar about their fabulous retreats to find out what they are offering as well as hearing more about their incredible music. Catherine and Dietmar are not only well established musicians and singers but they have an array of therapies to offer in the 'healing field' which are transformational.  I'm sure that attending one of their retreats which is based on yoga will be an experience not to be forgotten as they have put together a multi-faceted retreat program with yoga at its core, combined with exquitie food for a completely relaxing experience.We all need a little escape time and a chance to re-balance and what better place than in Lavenham, one of Suffolk's most historic towns, Next retreat at Inner Guidance which is in May 2018. For more go to their facebook: searching for mum - recorded and produced by Giles Bryant I am also interested in finding out more about the teachings of the