The Wade Alters Show

99. “The 10X Rule” Will 10X Your Failure If You Do It Like “This”



When you need a good slap in the face for motivation and get your butt to work, read “The 10X Rule” from Grant Cardone. But… It misses a key part of what it takes to reach those “top of the mountain” type of goals (that I’ve gone through, and many of my clients). (For anyone who isn’t familiar with The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone, it basically comes down to: Whatever goal you’re trying to achieve, your going to need to do 10X the amount of work to truly achieve that goal. It’s going to be 10X harder than you think it is.) It doesn’t just come down to doing 10X the work. Because you can’t “10X” your work output… If you don’t know WHAT to do in order to become successful. You don’t know what you don’t know... It’s not as simple as going from A → B and B → C. When I was coaching guys with dating women, they wanted the “lines” and “openers”. They thought these were the keys to get women. So I gave it to them. And it worked. … For one minute until it ran out and they didn’t know what to say after. They could have tr