Whisky & Commerce With Laura Doonin

Whisky & Commerce - #003 Benny Wallington



Episode Notes. The best bits Frothing "So frothing is like Aussie surf slang for... Well, I think the dictionary says we're being really amped. I think that's pretty much it. But if I say someone is frothing or you're a frother, it's someone who's operating at a high energy level, and someone who inspires you to be better. So if you're having a conversation with a frother, you can get a froth transfer, and it allows you... Yeah, I call it froth state. So I was talking to Jannie Wheel about froth state into flow state, so using like frothy conversations to allow me to access flow state to go and do the things I need to do in my day. And I was like, 'Don't f*&king kill me' because he's one of the kings of flow state. He was like, totally yeah. He was telling me about how our heartbeats can sync when we're really connected with people, and we can really take on the stuff that they tell us" So My Name Would Be "My name would be Optimus Wallace [Glass?]... would be my superhero name, which is what I would com