Coaching For Leaders

174: Leadership Resources and More Community Questions



Bonni and I respond to your questions on leadership resources and other topics that are top of mind for the Coaching for Leaders community. Bonni Stachowiak, Ed.D. Teaching in Higher Ed Question from Michelle: I've recently taken on a Training's a new post and so I'm making things up as I go along. In episode 30 you recommend that Managers attend the same training as their team. I'm organizing a whole range of training courses in 2015 and at first I agreed with you that the Manager should attend with their team. The feedback I've had though is that if the Manager attends then people won't ask all the questions they should ask to seek clarification. This maybe a cultural point rather than a general training point. Are there some types of training that need the Manager to be present and others where it’s better than they are not present? For example : if it's about changing behavior then it's right that they should attend and if it’s about learning something that's new (new skills to do the job th