The Wade Alters Show

The Guru Model



You know, even in the year 2019, it blows my mind that you can make a living shooting YouTube videos, or recording podcasts...   On the other hand, it's also crazy when you see people with huge brands, with millions of YouTube subscribers, hundreds of thousands of Instagram followers, who are barely scraping by.   But hey, when I launched my first digital product (Evolutions) I had no idea what I was doing, and astounded when it hit $100k in the first week.   The success of that product is what gave me the confidence to go into self development industry...   Launching a "Done with You" program called The Lifestyle Academy, which sold over $1.2M in the first 18 months!   I also made a ton of mistakes, one leading to almost $500,000 in lost revenue.   And both the successes AND failures can be explained through a simple "business model" which is what today's podcast is all about.   This is the EXACT business model that guys like Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Bren