The Wade Alters Show

$1M Dollar Copywriting Secrets w. Brad Wages



Millions of YouTube views… Hundred-thousand fans… Massive name in the industry… Gone. One day CNN is quoting me in articles about relationship advice… And the next no one knows who I am. I had to drop the name Brad Branson... and become Wade Alters. Re-build the brand... get my fans back... crush it again… That’s all I was thinking about. I re-launched and I hired 6 virtual assistants. But I was wayyy too quick trying to grow the business without realizing I had a flawed strategy. So I had to completely blow it up and fire the employees I just hired.. THEN I tried to do all the work myself … and I nearly went blind doing it (looking at screens all day...) I had to reset. This year’s strategy has been blowing up my name again. The biggest difference? Rockstar Personal Brand and using ‘Inception’ Advertising (with hyper-targeted copywriting). Here’s what happens when you have solid copywriting: … Your audience look at you like a Guru. … They hang onto your word like a gospel. … They share you with their friends