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THE SCIENCE OF WHY YOUR THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS! Mitch Horowitz | Neville Goddard | Health | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted to build your own reality, then do we have The Magic Club show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, a leader in the New Thought Movement, PEN award-winning historian, the author of Occult America and One Simple Idea, and a phenomenal must-read new book The Miracle Club. And that’s what we’ll be talking about today, about how thoughts become reality, and what it means this means for you! What in the world is Schroedenger’s cat? What is information leakage? What is the many world interpretation? What is a serial universe? What does quantum mechanics have to do with thoughts becoming things? Is cause and effect linear? What can we learn from Dean Radin and PSI research How long has ESP and pre-cognition been studied? What can we learn from the latest research on pre-cognition? What are Ganzfeld studies? What happened with Julliard studies when studying PSI? How does Schroedenger relate to Neville Goddard and creating our reality? Can we imagine our world into being? What is