So You Wanna Sell On Ebay

148: Amazing eBay Sourcing and Pricing Strategies To Try Now - Jason Deason



Jason has been an eBay seller for 10 years. He deals mainly in the used clothing market, but is also looking to expand into shoes and hard goods. He has applied a sourcing strategy that increases his average sale price and a sell-through rate on his eBay store, and he would love to share his experiences and strategies with us today! Interesting Notes Jason had his first eBay store in 2008 but let it go after two years. He started a new one in 2010 and continues to operate until now. He uses an eBay App called Price Spectre. The App enables him to set a pricing rule and release his items every 30 days. The prices continue to drop until it reaches the floor price. He goes sourcing 3 days in a row. He sources his items from thrift stores. His average cost is $5.50. He tries to stay with items that have an average of $30 or better. He also sources in Goodwill bins 20 minutes away from him. A month ago, he picked up a pair of Men's Nocona boots made of an Anteater. He bought it for $2 and sold for $250 within on