Tom Talks...

#9: Tom Talks... Think Tanks, with Christopher Rastrick



In this episode, I talk with Dr. Christopher Rastrick on think tanks. Our conversation begins with answering some foundational questions, such as what think tanks are, how think tanks differ between each other in important ways, and how think tanks exert influence on the political landscape. We then specifically discuss how think tanks have adapted to the Trump presidency.   Chris received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Western Ontario in 2016. He regularly writes on public policy issues in Canada and beyond, appearing in the nation's top newspapers and journals. His book Think Tanks in the US and EU is published by Routledge. At present, he is focused on the complex and, at times, awkward relationship between President Donald Trump and the Washington think tank community, which he recently wrote about in a working paper for OnThinkTanks.   ---   If you enjoyed this content, subscribe on iTunes and Youtube, and visit Thank you for your support!