Foodist With Darya Rose, Ph.d

Bugra Loses 168 Lbs and Improves to a 4.0 GPA by Switching to Real Food



Bugra was a university student in Turkey weighing over 350 lbs when he decided he needed to make a change. He moved to America to begin a masters degree program and started to count calories and exercise to lose weight. While he was able to lose some weight while dieting, he eventually realized the changes he'd made were not sustainable and that his poor nutrition was costing him energy and mental focus. His grades suffered and he gained much of the weight back before discovering Real Food. There have been many bumps in the road for Bugra, but today he is down 168 lbs while eating more. He's also getting a 4.0 in his Ph.D program while studying less than before. He focuses on the quality, not the quantity of the food he eats, and says his mental focus is so much better that he can learn more with less effort. He even reads more and is slower to anger than he was in the past. To use Bugra's words, "Everything changed."