Foodist With Darya Rose, Ph.d

How to Tell If You're Truly Hungry Or If It's Something Else



"It's been the easiest 33 lbs I've ever lost." ~Angela Angela just discovered Foodist a few months ago after a lifetime of being overweight and chronic dieting. By changing the way she approaches food and health, she's been able to lose 33 lbs in what she calls the easiest weight loss of her life. Despite her success, Angela still has progress to make and is trying to figure out some of the more subtle aspects of her healthstyle. Today she asks a question that every foodist must grapple with at some point along their journey, which is how to know if an urge to eat (or skip a workout or other healthstyle behavior) is coming from a place of physical need or some other impulse that should be resisted? This question is particularly difficult for people who have spent a lot of time dieting, since by its very nature dieting teaches you to ignore your body's basic signals and use willpower to stick to your plan. As Angela explains, it can be very difficult to trust the different voices in your head that are pushi