Mile High Locavorist

MHLV 02: Dana Miller & Michael Anderson | Grow Local Colorado



Dana Miller and Michael Anderson are omnipresent figures in the local food movement in Denver. If there’s a meeting, event or gathering around Denver’s food, you can bet you’ll find one or both of them. They are what network experts might call “super connectors” – they know just about everybody. In the interview, we repeatedly use the word “movement.” In this context, we mean the “local food movement,” the overall, multifaceted effort to shift from the prevailing chemical industrial food system to a local, sustainable model. Both Michael and Dana have been engaged in local food in Denver for about ten years. While they work together in the leadership of Grow Local Colorado, they each have other organizations and projects underway from community engagement to publishing. While we could have spent all our time just talking their respective efforts, I asked Dana and Michael to speak about Denver’s local food movement from a big picture perspective. Where have we come from, where are we now and we are we going? W