Brand Spankin'

Brand Spankin' - Episode 003: The Branding Interview of Photographer Brittany Jeffery



In this episode, Jason Hewitt, the host of Brand Spankin' and the Design Principal of ILLUSTRATA, interviews a current branding client of ILLUSTRATA.  The client, Brittany Jeffery, is a full-time mom, military spouse, and a photographer located in Alamogordo, NM.  She has been trying everything she can think to do over the past year or more to build a brand and grow her photography business, but nothing she's tried so far has worked.  She's not reaching enough clients and not enough of her ideal clients.  Re-branding is in order! Brittany shares the story of her creative debut as a photographer in Italy, her comeuppance in business, and bits about her family history and personal struggles as she's tried to grow.  Through the interview process, based on the "five most important questions", which Jason detailed in Episode 002, he guides Brittany to reveal information that allowed him to interpret and re-design her authentic core brand message and, together, they describe the resulting re-designed brand identity