Artscene With Erika Funke

ReSTart Scranton; Jeannine Luby; Theresa O'Connor; March 3 2025



Jeannine Luby, Founder of Laugh to Live, andTheresa O'Connor, Executive Director of theArtists for Art Gallery, speaking aboutReSTart Scranton, an initiative to educate thecommunity about ways to reduce waste & createsustainable art. There will be 2 workshops:March 12, 2025, for those over 18; Alsoon March 22 for families--at the AFAGallery, 101 Penn Avenue in downtownScranton. The related exhibit will runfrom March 28 through April 26, witha special event on April 4th as partof First Friday activities. On Facebook:ReSTart Scranton or