Small Town Murder

#575 - Lady In The Water - Arcadia Township, Michigan



This week, in Arcadia Township, Michigan, it's a mystery, when a woman is found dead, floating in a lake, near a boat dock. Her husband says that he left the area, and she just disappeared, but the evidence tells a slightly different story, with her smashing to the concrete, before somehow ending up in the lake. Plus, affairs, gambling, alcohol & pills are all in the mix. Was this all a tragic accident, or was she murdered in a seriously cold blooded way??Along the way, we find out that local bands make for the strangest festivals, that an affair might not be a motive for murder, if you didn't know the affair was happening, and that human bodies definitely don't bounce off of concrete!!New episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out Ja