

Get Off The Fence And Get What You Want Okay, I'm feeling a little bit lazy today, so I'm going to cut to the chase and bestow upon you the secret to success you've been seeking.  Are you ready? Success requires that you do the hard work. Bam! Hmm… I think I'll take my advice and rethink that lazy thing. I want to set a good example. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that if you want more, you will have to do something to get it. Still, we live in a world that makes it seem like it should be easier, and it's not. Success takes a lot of hard work - even if you don't see it. Successful YouTubers make it look easy - after thousands of hours of trial and error. Musicians are seemingly living their dream - after years of living in a tour bus and making pennies after their agents get paid. Even people who do nothing but accept the generosity of society to make their way are working hard at a life that you would never want. It doesn't matter what you want, good or bad, prosperous or not, happy or sa