

Sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving, I found myself finishing leftover candy and bit into a Jolly Rancher - a recipe for disaster for anybody with a mouth full of dental work.  As you might have predicted, it wasn't long before I was at the dentist. I don't like dentists much. Maybe it was because as a kid, our family dentist was Dr. PAIN… uh… Dr. Payne. Still, there I was with the sound of drilling and suction filling the room, along with the occasional mumbled answer coming from my mouth, answering important questions like, "What have you been up to lately?" Then tell me not to move my mouth. Seriously?  Is that a skill they teach at dentist school?  Wait until your patient can't speak and ask them a question?  That's like me asking my young kids a question at the dinner table and telling them not to chew with their mouths open? But that's life.  Sometimes life doesn't make sense, even though I would argue that things are good almost always, which is why we notice it when they are not. And boy does