

Get What You Want In the last few years, people have become increasingly popular for sharing every little aspect of their lives with others. But, when it comes to getting what you want, keeping your plans to yourself is a powerful tool. Independence has just passed, and when I arrived at my desk on Monday, I had two client messages that made me smile. The first said, "I decided to spend my weekend practicing what I do in private so that I will be praised in public."  That's something I've said and done many times. The second client told me they had completed a new project over the weekend and were heading in a new direction. When I mentioned they had never said a word to me about it, they said, "I know. I'm learning that nobody needs to know what I'm doing to do it. I'll do it, and they can catch up." My heart smiled as I witnessed three powerful tools impact my client's lives: 1) Practice privately until you are ready to share with the world. Nobody needs to know how you got so good at what you do. 2