

  I just returned a few days ago from my third trip to the Costa Rican jungles and it was such an awesome trip – even though every time I go, I feel a ton of resistance around it. And that’s because it throws me out of my routine (and it’s a LONG journey to get there).   But here’s what this trip helped me with this round – it forced me to take time for myself. It forced me to just sit in quiet in nature (with the occasional monkey making his presence known). You see up until Costa Rica, I was a feeling a little blocked creatively, which was super frustrating because I had a talk to prepare for and an eCourse to come up with. But on the flight home – because I allowed myself the space to let that creativity come flowing back in – the ideas poured out! I couldn’t believe how easy it felt.   Now, you might be saying, “This doesn’t apply to me because I’m not creative.” Newsflash – you ARE creative!   “We are all creative beings.”   You create and put things out in the world every single day – and there