Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Transcend fear, and let the lower levels take care of themselves!!



Transcend fear, and let the lower levels take care of themselves!! Listen - Your whole job, and all you need to do each day, is to be fully you. The most fully expressed and in his or her ultimate state of sovereign being-ness YOU. THAT IS IT. Yeah - you gotta know that you're planted in the right shit in order to be free and safe to then just FLOW with it, but hey - that bit is easy. (Plus, I talk about it on here!). From there - it's a simple discipline of HOLDING. Holding the world at bay. Holding your obligations and shoulds at bay. Holding EVERYTHING at bay until the creative genius has come out to play. From there? All the other shit will actually just take care of itself. Watch now for the sermon you know you need. x   This audio is direct from my The Katrina Ruth Show live-streams where I discuss a range of subjects to do with empire building, business and success mindset, relationships and so much more with guests, with my tribe and with YOU! Expect the straight up truth of how I beca