10% Happier With Dan Harris

The Gulf Between Your Internal Life And How The World Sees You | Anna Marie Tendler



Lessons learned from the psychiatric hospitalWe’ve got a fascinating and very personal discussion today about the often very painful gap between the way you feel on the inside and the way the world perceives you. We also cover the urgency and difficulty of sitting with your own discomfort. Anna Marie Tendler is an artist and writer. She is also the author of a new memoir called ‘Men Have Called Her Crazy’. In this episode we talk about:The circumstances of her checking into a psychiatric hospital in 2021The difference between our interior emotions and our exterior selvesThe help she found through Dialectical Behavior Therapy – DBTWe dive into a very specific theme of the book – and its title – the insidious ways in which men have impacted her life. And lastly, how she found a way to sit with discomfort and pain, while showing up in the world authentically to herself.Related Episodes:#510. Me, a Love Story: How Being OK With Yourself Makes You Better at Everything | Sharon SalzbergThe Science Of