The Todd Herman Show

Billy Graham’s Granddaughter Cannot Abide with Christ; On CNN- Mispronouncing a Name is Racism Ep-1804



Billy Graham's granddaughter has chosen to abide under Kamala Harris rather than with the Lord Jesus. She believes that supporting Kamala Harris can be aligned with the Lord Jesus. And CNN has announced, well, one of their guests has, that mispronouncing a name is white supremacy. Apparently you can commit racism without the intent to be racist. And, in the UK, there is a new form of terrorism that we have to discuss.What does God’s Word say? 2 Timothy 4:3 NIVFor the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,Episode Links:CNN “you don’t have to intend racism to accomplish it.”The Kamala campaign is now making videos mocking white people for ‘not seasoning their food,’ a popular anti-white meme online. Not even making this upHere's the full video of Jerusha Duford (Billy Graham's granddaughter) from the "Evangelicals For Harris" Zoom call. @JonBrownDC covered the message well (link in replies) but I