Compliance Perspectives

Deborah Spanic and David Gebler on What the Board Should be Asking [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub “What else should the board be asking?” It’s a good question in general and the tile of a session at the SCCE Compliance & Ethics Institute, which will be held September 22-25, 2024 in Grapevine, TX. In this podcast, the leaders of that session, Deborah Spanic, Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer of Clarios, and David Gebler (LinkedIn), Principal of Leading with Ethics, share that there are three fundamental questions the board should be asking about the compliance program: Is the compliance program well designed and aligned with risk? Is the program being applied earnestly and in good faith with adequate resources? Does the compliance program work in practice? From there a host of other questions fall out including those focused on culture and on the connection between the compliance program and the enterprise’s overarching strategy. Making sure the board is asking the right questions, and getting the answers it needs, requires a strong relationship with the compliance team. In D