George Fm Breakfast With Kara, Stu And Tammy Catch Up Podcast

FULL SHOW She Wanted a Dick Pic



Here's how an AI described today's show... In this episode of the George Breakfast Podcast, Leigh and Tammy kick off the Wednesday show with their usual high energy and banter. They discuss everything from international guest appearances to bizarre personal stories, including Tammy's near blackmail experience. The podcast features interviews with notable personalities like 1991 from the UK and insights from rugby legend Izzy Dagg on the latest All Blacks selection. There's also talk of the Bakel's Extreme Pie Awards with judge Sid, highlighting just how varied and entertaining the show can be. Throughout the episode, listeners are treated to regular segments and spontaneous humor, making it an engaging listen from start to finish. Join the Whānau on Instagram, Facebook & Tik Tok. See for privacy information.