The Todd Herman Show

They Are Coming For The Water Ep-1671



I said it a year or two ago. I'll say it affirmably now. They are coming for the water. The World Economic Forum types said we failed to get people to do the right thing for the common good with COVID and with global warming. They’re now asking, “ What if we leverage water?”. Everybody needs it. Maybe this is the thing they can do to get people to care for the common good. It's the same players, the same people who tried to steal farmland in South Dakota to store carbon dioxide so they could sell it back to us. Now they are coming for the water in Idaho. And guess what? The Republican, shiny-shoed, establishment Republican governor of Idaho, Brad Little, says there’s nothing he can do. He's lying. There's a lot he could do. We'll also look at some of the unintended consequences that people experience in culture when they're the experts. What does God’s Word say? Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and