The Todd Herman Show

Undercover Vs. Sex-Traffickers in Small, US Towns- Nate Lewis, Founder & CEO INNOCENCE Rescue Mission Ep-1676



I talked to a gentleman named Nate Lewis, who's the founder and CEO of Innocence Rescue Mission. Hr told me something I didn't know, that it's actually small towns that represent the least risk for sex traffickers. Nate and his group work in a number of ways to help stop sex trafficking, including getting men who sign up to go rent the bodies of 11 year old kids and getting them arrested. Thank God. Interestingly, Nate's the only other guy near my age I've ever met who, like me, was kidnapped. His kidnapping lasted a lot longer and may have been even more dangerous than mine. He shared that with us. Nate shared with us what you can do to help his group and how they're helping law enforcement around the country. And yes, why is it's small towns that are at such risk.What does God’s Word say? Leviticus 18:21 21 “‘Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the Lord.Matthew 18:6  6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in