The Todd Herman Show

Donald Sutherland and Why Actors Become Liberals Ep-1677



I don't normally go around talking about actors and I'm not here to say that he was a role model or anything like that. But one thing I do want to talk about is Donald Sutherland and why actors become liberals. And I think this is evident through how Sutherland, in kind of a creepy, weird way, described his love of being an actor. He starred in some of the fundamentally most important roles, I think, for societal commentary that exists today. I also loved his role in Hunger Games and I'll tell you why. One scene in particular to me is so vitally, vitally important. Capturing Hollywood for Christ is vital and we have to be able to tap the heart of creators. Riley Gaines and her group is taking a run at this with a commercial about protecting girls' sports. TikTok, of course, has banned this. We'll also give you an update on that janitor who was held captive. Remember when the pro-homos agitators took a bunch of people captive?What does God’s Word say? 1 Peter 5:1-4 NIV To the Elders and the Flock5 To the elder