The Todd Herman Show

SHOCK STATISTIC! 100 of Conservatives Are Going To Die! - How to Lie With Statistics Ep-1682



Shock statistic! 100% of conservatives are going to die! Well, you know, someday. We're gonna talk about how to lie with statistics and why to lie with statistics. I saw an interesting example of this on my Twitter feed. It comes with eye-catching photos of photogenic women showing their bust. Why would that be? Here's the headline: Your bra size affects how much you sweat and women with bigger bust sweat less. Now, I have not gone around to grocery stores and such asking large busted women, “do you sweat less?”. But, I did read the article. How did they get this statistic? There's also, of course, many, many lies on the climate front. Michael Mann, who in my opinion is a vicious paid liar, is back to lying using statistics, but in a very sloppy way. Sometimes, they don't bother with statistics. They just laugh and giggle when we point out that the people who are coming across the border sure do seem to contain a lot of cartel members and rapists. So what is the end goal? I will also answer some emails from f