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How to Do Effective Keyword Research | Ep. #66



In Episode #66, Neil and Eric sit down to discuss the fundamentals of effective keyword research. They’ll talk about what tools you should use, why your focus should be on the quality of your content than the quality of your keywords, and how heavy, thoughtful blogging can seriously amplify your website ranking. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:28 – Today’s topic: How to Do Effective Keyword Research 00:52 – Eric recommends Google Keyword Finder 01:22 – Neil uses Ahrefs 02:01 – Ahrefs shows you keywords your competitor gets traffic for and their rough rankings 03:15 – Create better content using Brian Dean’s Skyscraper Technique 03:32 – Optimize title tags 03:49 – Ahrefs added new features 03:52 – Content gap analysis 04:16 – Two free tools: Ubersuggest and Google Trends 05:15 – Don’t over analyze with keywords 05:29 – Traffic doesn’t come from just one keyword 05:55 – Neil and Eric are heavy on blogging 06:48 – Don’t just think about the keyword, think about the content you should be writ