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7 Types of Content You Should Be Creating on Your Blog | Ep. #77



In Episode #77 Eric and Neil talk about the 7 types of content you should be creating on your blog. Listen as they enumerate each type of content and how to utilize the types with key online tools. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:28 – Today’s topic: 7 Types of Content You Should Be Creating on Your Blog 00:37 – #1 Have long-form well-researched content 01:14 – #2 Infographics 01:28 – Check out 99Designs or Dribbble or Upwork 01:45 – Use WP Embed Code Generator 02:18 – #3 Take an audio file and put it on your blog 02:27 – Use Rev to transcribe your content 02:51 – #4 Have animated content like click through, quizzes and gifographics 03:25 – #5 Put videos on your blog 04:10 – #6 Question based content 04:15 – Check Quora and search popular questions 04:50 – #7 Have specific case studies 05:39 – That’s it for today’s episode! 3 Key Points: Remember to put value into your content. A ton of tools are available–utilize them! Video and audio can still rank–transcribe them into your blog.