Binge Watchers

Bad Romance Movie: Drinking Buddies. Bendergate. Ivan Reitman Movies. Energy Drinks For Comedians Flavored By Comedy. Trending Wild Cards.



Bad Romance Movie: Drinking Buddies. Bendergate. Ivan Reitman Movies. Energy Drinks For Comedians Flavored By Comedy. Trending Wild Cards.We were going to play a game about heartbreaking movie endings but some heartbreak happened in real life - filmmaker Ivan Reitman died. From Ghostbusters to Draft Day, we realize how much influence he had on us as storytellers and how much we loved his movies.We talk about our love for Bang energy drinks.We dream up our own energy drink called Punchlines for comedians and make jokes about its flavor being sweat and anxiety. We play bad romance movie roulette.Home Video Headlines:Stallone’s Daughters Have A PodcastEnzo Ferrari Biopic With Adam DriverNew Futurama On Hulu Including BendergateNew Gumby By FoxFirst Impressions Of The Adam Project MovieFull Nope Alien Horror Movie Trailer Is Out Bruce Willis Worst Actor Special Award Raspberry AwardsTonight’s Movie? Drinking Buddies Although they're both dating other people, two co-workers (Olivia Wilde, Jake Johnson) hang o