Drew And Mike Podcast

The Drew Lane Show – March 14, 2024



Saving Mitch Albom, Elon Musk v. Don Lemon, Drew Crime: The Gilbert Goons, a new Bonerline, Tom Mazawey promotes Bon Jovi, Jim’s Picks: Brothers, and James Crumbley is found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. We chat about songs that have false endings. TikTok is in peril. Princess Kate is doctoring photos. It’s not the worst thing that has happened to her. Meghan Markle is hocking cookware. Donald Trump had a few charges dropped. Remember when Trump had a different haircut once? Mitch Albom had to be saved in Haiti. ‘Barbeque’ is running the country. Bon Jovi has a brand new song out. Music: JLo’s movie and album are a BOMB. Neil Young returns to Spotify. Cancer: Olivia Munn has breast cancer. Christie Brinkley has skin cancer. Elon Musk vs Don Lemon. TJ Miller will join us Tuesday. Cop vs Karen: Who Ya Got? This is the greatest hillbilly chase possibly ever. Drew Crime: The Gilbert Goons. Dr. Zhi Alan Cheng is the worst doctor possibly ever. Matthew Nilo has an upcoming hearing. Steven Avery still