Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

The Influence of Kabbalah & Navigating Spiritual Deception Today in The Church



Can Kabbalistic mysticism and New Age ideas secretly infiltrate modern Christianity? Join us for a thought-provoking conversation with Deanne Loper, the author of "Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know," as she uncovers her journey from the clutches of the occult to a transformative born-again Christian experience. Alongside Tony and Joni Stahl, we peel back the layers of how influential figures like Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey have subtly embedded esoteric doctrines into Christian teachings. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the controversial Noahide laws and the importance of vigilance in discerning truth from deception.We live in a time when false teachings are infiltrating Christian Theology at a rapid rate. This important book exposes one of the greatest threats to pure Biblical Christianity. Deanne uncovers the deception by giving a detailed description of what Kabbalah is and equips believers to recognize it in its morphed form of Christianity. The evidence shows that the go