Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2364: The Downside of Getting a 6-Pack, Overcoming a Cortisol Addiction, Unusual Causes of Shoulder Pain & More (Listener Live Coaching)



In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: What is more important to look at? Calories and macros or food quality? (2:17) Have we been rocked to sleep when it comes to social media? (20:17) Bluey mania! (25:51) Aurelius, the garbage man. (27:06) A special call to the Mind Pump audience. (28:20) A discussion on potential depressing news coming out of 24 Hour Fitness and its downstream effects. (33:16) When Mind Pump gets lit, Zbiotics is nearby. (42:40) Life in the fast lane. (47:23) Shout out to Esco Elite! (54:28) #ListenerLive question #1 - I want to follow the Mind Pump route, but I'm not sure which program to start with. I have MAPS Anabolic and MAPS Performance. Should I bulk or cut? (57:32) #ListenerLive question #2 - Are macro calculators accurate? I wanted to start to fix my eating and get lean. I plugged my info into the macronutrient tracker. I am 180, 5'10" and I put that I moderately work out. The breakdown l