The Todd Herman Show

The Media’s Failing Putin Trap- He’s 100 correct Ep-1655



Putin recently critiqued America, our culture and court system. And, he’s right. The media wants to wag Putin’s comments around as if what he said is propaganda. The truth is, his critique is correct. Culture is falling apart. This can be seen in how Joy Reid attributed the success of WNBA player Caitlyn Clark, to the fact that she is straight and white. We can also look at the “protests” taking place in Washington D.C. Police offices are being assaulted and obstruction of justice is taking place without arrest.  What does God’s Word say? 1 Corinthians 1:27 NIV But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.Episode 1,654  Links:Low Verbal IQ Predictor of Politically Correct Authoritarianism; "People who are less verbally sophisticated are more likely to gravitate towards all-encompassing, simple theories."Twerk off intermission at DC Pride“Graduations should never be marred by bigotry. "[In #Wiscosin] the [white] father of a Baraboo