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1033. From Chaos to Control: Weekly Planning Secrets for Busy Women



In this episode of The Kelly Roach Show, Kelly welcomes Megan Sumrell to share her weekly planning secrets for busy women while focusing on strategies for eliminating overwhelm and achieving work-life harmony. Megan, a productivity and time management expert, recounts her journey from a corporate IT executive to a sought-after consultant specializing in efficient processes for women balancing career and family life. She speaks on traditional productivity methods and the importance of structured weekly planning to provide actionable steps to reclaim control over their time.  Megan and Kelly explore why the daily task list can be more of a hindrance than a help, advocating instead for a structured weekly planning approach. Megan introduces the concept of a 'to-don't' list and emphasizes regular time audits to identify and eliminate non-essential tasks. She offers practical advice for reducing decision fatigue and ensuring that daily activities align with broader life and business goals.   Also in this episode: