Your Next Million With Frank Kern

Avoid this ONE “mindset mistake” at ALL COSTS



What's happening y'all? This is an honest to God, real live actual planned podcast episode. So let's dig right on into it. I got a question, a good question, the other day. I forgot who asked me so I can't credit them that, but whoever you are, thanks for asking it. The question was, what three beliefs do you wish you had when you were 20? Which was really a good question. All the self-help folks, as a generalization, will tell you that your beliefs affect your thinking, your thinking affects your decisions, your decisions affect your actions and in your actions affect your life. Yada, yada, yada. I believe all of that to be true. Only reason I'm yada yada yada -ing it is because I know you've heard it a billion times, just like I have. Man, what a good question. So I spent a lot of time thinking about it and I don't know if I've got three, but I've got one that I wish I would have, I could have installed in my 20s and here it is...