Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S02 - Divine Mercy - 3 Courts on The Last Day



Dhul Hijja A few reminders... 3 Courts on The Last Day, Good Deeds; Blessings and sins. Good deeds will be balanced with the Blessings, whilst the sins will be left under the grace of Allah SWT (Ibn Abee Shahbah). The worshipper and the throbbing vein. We sin without counting but we take the name of Allah SWT and count (we can count on beads but should not be content with counting). Verily Mankind is ungrateful to His Lord, Surah 100 v6 - Hassan Al Basree (rah), 'He counts the calamities and forgets the blessings,' (Ibn Katheer). Remember Allah SWT during times of ease and this will help you in adversity (Ad-Durr Al Manthoor).