Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

New ESG laws & Spiritual Warfare in Global Economic Policies



What if a single EU directive could reshape the global business landscape? Tune in as we unpack the new ESG law as the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and its far-reaching consequences for companies worldwide, particularly those in the US. This new legislation mandates stringent ESG compliance across entire supply chains, fundamentally altering corporate operations and partnerships. We feature insights from Glenn Beck, who argues that this directive poses a significant threat to freedom and business practices in America, urging us to consider the broader implications for international trade and regulatory environments.Next, we tackle the EU's ambitious social credit score legislation. Imagine a world where over a thousand metrics could define a company's social and economic standing. We explore the economic ramifications for the EU if it shifts its trade focus away from China and delve into the punitive measures for non-compliance with these stringent regulations. Pastor Holthaus