Franklin (MA) Matters

FM #1224 - Town Council Quarterbacking - 05/28/24



This session shares my conversation with Town Council Chair Tom Mercer. The Council met on Wednesday and Thursday (May 22 & May 23) to conduct their 2-night  Budget Hearing for the FY 2025 budget. Our schedules coordinated to talk on Tuesday after Memorial Day.We look to focus on ok, what just happened? What does it mean for Franklin residents and taxpayers?Topics for this session:Town budget for FY 2025 & override June 11School redistrictingMaster Plan goals & objectives, review for Franklin’s futureSummer time eventsVote on or before June 11The recording runs about 26 minutes, so let’s listen to my conversation with Council Chairperson Tom Mercer --------------The Franklin TV broadcast of budget hearing #1 - 05/22/24  -> Franklin TV broadcast of budget hearing #2 - 05/23/24  -> Agenda and supporting documents for #1 ->