The Todd Herman Show

They REALLY BELIEVE THESE? Zach Abraham on the Left's most popular economic memes and an answer to some panicked emails. Ep-1632



Zach Abraham and I began the show with a disarming of memes. Sometimes I go to Democrat websites and see what memes are most popular and then dismantle them. I also presented to him the case of Mayor Pete as he tries to explain why electric car charging stations are taking so long to be installed given the massive cost to taxpayers. His answer is so ridiculous it makes the news show host laugh. And, I shared with Zach emails I have been getting in regards to last week’s conversation about inflation being the silent killer of retirement portfolios. In response to these emails, we dive back into the topic of inflation and Zach shares valuable insight. What does God’s Word say? Proverbs 9:1-12 Invitations of Wisdom and Folly9 Wisdom has built her house;    she has set up its seven pillars.2 She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine;    she has also set her table.3 She has sent out her servants, and she calls    from the highest point of the city,4     “Let all who are simple come to my house!”To those who hav