Binge Watchers

The Unnamable Horror Movie Show Must Go On! Life's Unscripted Intermissions.



Prepare to be swept into a whirlwind of cinematic bravado as we, Johnny Spoiler and Jordan Savage, dissect the unparalleled triumphs of Neon Studios at Cannes and scrutinize the artistic prowess behind Sean Baker's 'Anora.' Our vibrant exchange will traverse the landscape of high-concept films and Spielberg's mantra of simplicity, while also indulging in the luxuries and follies of Russian oligarchs. It's a rendezvous where societal punches aren't pulled and film narratives spar with the complexities of storytelling.Transitioning from the silver screen to streaming platforms is like navigating a labyrinth for even the most storied filmmakers, and we're not afraid to tackle this maze head-on. With the 'staff picks' segment teetering on the edge of an endless abyss of content, we shine a spotlight on the indie charm of "The Unnameable" series. We peel back the layers of its Lovecraftian roots and indie ethos, revealing how a blend of fervent dedication and