Drew And Mike Podcast

The Drew Lane Show – February 18, 2024



Tiger Woods’ new Sun Day Red line, Eli Zaret See’s It His Way, Donald Trump’s new sneakers, Corey Feldman’s former bus driver pops off, more incredible cop cams and Stuttering John Melendez still has no idea who we are. Marc and Trudi are on glamourous vacations. Eli Zaret drops by to recap Michigan vs Michigan State, comment on the Slam Dunk Contest, Steph Curry set women back in sports, Caitlin Clark is #1, Detroit Mercy suuuuuucks, the upcoming Lions draft, Tay Tay vs MAGA, Tiger Woods new clothing line and more. Donald Trump dropped sneakers and sold them out. Stoney hung up the cans at 97.1 He totally SNUBBED Jim Bentley. Jack Tuttle is in his 40’s and prepped to start for Michigan. Trump Update: AI vs Donald Trump’s golfing pics. Another fine for Trump. Trump’s new shoes. Truckers go to bat for the Donald. Trump and the Unity Bridge were in Waterford. Putin’s #1 political opponent killed in prison. Vladimir has a new piece of ass. Tiffany A. Henyard is the female version of Kwame Kilpatrick. Tayl