Franklin (MA) Matters

FM #1219 - FPS Budget Subcmte Mtg - 05/28/24



This session shares the Franklin School Committee Budget Subcommittee meeting of Tuesday, May 28, 2024. Subcommittee Chair Dave McNeill, Dr Paul Griffith, KP Sompally, Supt Lucas Giguere, Business Administrator Dr Bob Dutch and current Asst Business Administrator Janaina Vasconcelos-Melotti participated.My notes from this session:Overview of agenda from Supt Giguere, Dr Dutch provides update on scenarios being prepared, 35+ staff possible if the override fails, some of the estimates depending upon how the teacher contract handles the individuals and their status, licensure, tenure, etc.If fees go up, then some of the cuts could decrease. There is more coming in the SchCom meeting about use of the revolving funds, there is nothing more there to use, albeit some folks not quite accepting/understanding itThe cuts, if the override does not pass, will increase class sizes, and course loads for teachers and other staff will also increase. They did look to provide class size equity across in consideration.By way of