Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

The Hidden Dangers of Cults in Christianity & Masonic Secrets



A Classic in Apologetics on "The Distinctiveness of Christianity" and a journey through the shadowy realms of Christian Cults and deceptive doctrines with Dr. David Reagan and cult expert Dr. Ron Carlson. This episode peels back the layers of pseudo-Christian groups like Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons, exposing the discrepancies between their teachings and historic Christian beliefs. Together, we confront the sobering impact of religious organizations that have strayed far from Scriptural truths, leading many down a path of tragic deception.In a historical look at faith and deception, Dr. Carlson shares personal stories and experiences, highlighting the importance of encouraging questions and doubts within one's spiritual journey to fortify convictions in the face of cultish allure. In a world where Cults Twist Christian Terminology to fit their agendas,  and deceive. We equip you with the tools of discernment needed to identify genuine gospel teachings. We also dive into the contentious